Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Changing The Paradigm: Why We Need Media Literacy

Media Literacy involves intelligently analyzing and evaluating media messages and assessing their worth. It is an act of questioning the media swamped world around us and critically thinking about the information provided to us. This type evaluation is very important to everyday life. It allows the public to make informed decisions while keeping them from being mislead by media messages.

Neil Postman goes through this issue over and over again in his best-selling novel “Amusing Ourselves to Death”. He talks about our overwhelming dependence on being entertained, the extreme importance of using more than one source of media for information, and the importance of being truly informed. Postman clearly believes in the art of media literacy education and, as you will see, it’s clear why.
Even the local news isn’t free of misinformation. Because of tight deadlines, reporters may not have time to fully sort through the whole story. It is sad to say but your local newspaper and TV news channel are businesses. They have to make money to survive. This force them to cover what will be the most watched which sometimes means the most entertaining rather than the most important. Your source of news is also constricted by its geographic location. The media outlet is most likely to focus more on stories that affect the area rather than national news. In order for a person to be fully informed they must have a balance of the two, thus forcing them to turn to other sources.

Risk continuum
The likelihood that a person will express a specific behavior due to a negative media message can be determined by using a risk continuum, a scale from 0 to 100 with 0 being the lowest and 100 the highest. Your set point in the scale is determined by a variety of factors from your home life to your media exposure habits. It is important to understand the movement of your “set point” to understand how at risk you or the people around you are to a negative effect from media exposure. These types of tools are essential to developing excellent media literacy skills. Awareness is the first step.

Media ownership
Another important factor of media literacy is being aware of media ownership. On a website from the Columbia Journalism Review one can pick a specific media company and see what other companies it owns. For example, we all know Walt Disney for its creative kid’s movies and theme parks, but did you know that Disney also owns ABC, ESPN, Touchtone Pictures and Miramax films? I certainly didn’t. We need to be careful when television shows promote a product or service because they could be promoting for company’s own good. If Johhny Depp were to appear on Jimmy Kimmel Live to promote the New Pirates of the Caribbean movie you could consider it a conflict of interest because Disney owns the hit movie and ABC where Jimmy Kimmel appears.

In a few short weeks I will graduate and will be thrown into the crazy world of Advertising and Public Relations. At this time, Media Literacy will be especially important. I need to beware of what my materials are conveying to my target audience. Now that I am aware of the tricks and traps I will be able to recognize and avoid these potential problems in years to come.

For more information on media literacy visit the Center for Media Literacy

For games to teach media literacy in the classroom click here

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Am I at Risk?

Every day, whether we are aware of it or not, we are exposed to media messages. From watching movies, surfing the Internet, to even walking down the street, we are surrounded by a variety of messages. But have you ever stopped and wondered over time what kind of influence these messages have over our daily lives? (Probably not, at least I never have)

I’ve heard people say time and time again that school shootings are the direct result of playing too many violent video games, but I’ve leaned that’s not actually entirely true. There are many factors that influence outward behavior. Everyone has what you can call a set point in the “risk continuum”. It’s a point on a scale from 0 (being at low risk) and 100 (highly at risk for a specific behavior).

There are essentially seven different factors, as a result of long-term conditioning, that determine where your set point is placed on the scale. Most of these factors are derived from your environment and lifestyle. This includes your cognitive abilities, sociological factors, and your exposure to the media. If you were immature, had a rough home life, and was living in media bubble only exposing yourself to a particular negative message over a long period of time you would probably have a high risk point.

Your risk set point for a negative effect is not stationary. There are six factors that affect the movement of a person’s personal set point. These include the severity of the content you are exposing yourself to, your state of mind and how much of yourself you see in a particular character demonstrating the negative traits.

After thinking about this I was forced to assess my own media exposure habits. I am fortunate enough to have grown up in a positive environment that encouraged the development of my strong morals. But, on the other hand, when it comes to my media exposure habits I admit I love scary movies. Does that mean I’m going to blow up the school? NO! But my set point for being at risk of violent or aggressive behavior is higher than if I weren’t to watch them.

Although I’m a sucker for scary movies, I feel my risk of negative behavior is relatively low. I never identify with any of the aggressive characters I am watching. My tight family bond and ability to realize fact from fiction enables me to stay at a low risk level.

In the years to come I would like to cut down my exposure to violent movies and continue on the path to media literacy. The only way we can prevent the possible negative effects of the media is to take a proactive stance. That way we can determine how close we, and the people around us, are to manifesting a negative behavior such as aggressiveness or violence. Click here for more information.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Cultural Craze Known as American Idol

I hate to admit it but one of my favorite guilty pleasures is to watch American Idol every week. Apparently, according to the Neilson ratings, I am not the only one. During the week of March 24 American Idol had over 25 million viewers. American Idol first began in 2002 and has been gaining viewers ever since. It originated from the British reality show Pop Idol which first aired in 2001. Jeff Zucker, the chief executive of NBC Universal said “[He] thinks Idol is the most impactful show in the history of television”.

Other shows in the same timeslot cannot even compare to the American Idol phenomenon. A March 27th article from showed that American Idol is continuing to rule in the ratings with minimal resistance from other networks. In the Wednesday night 9pm time slot American idol ran against a rerun of “Criminal Minds” from CBS and a rerun of the CW’s “Girlicious”. It seems the networks know that American Idol will win every week so they don’t even try anymore. They rearrange their schedules lessen their losses. Competing networks are even calling the show “The Death Star”

Ratings statistics and calculations can sometimes be difficult to interpret. In simple terms the rating percentage is dividing the number of people watching the specific program divided by the total number of people watching TV in a single minute. For the week of March 28th American Idol was rated 15.1% which is significantly more than CBS’s criminal minds which was airing at the same time. Share, on the other hand, by definition is the percent of households (or persons) using television who are tuned to a specific program, station or network in a specific area at a specific time. During this week American Idol scored a 24 when criminal minds only scored a 7. American Idol rises above the competition in both the ratings percentage and share.

American Idol has consistently dominated the ratings and created such a reputation for itself, that I believe the show can be moved to anytime slot any night and still stay high in the ratings. There are very few television programs that have as much success. The only show that I feel can compete with American Idol would be ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars”. The week of March 24th “Dancing with the Stars” came in third with slightly over 20 million viewers, 5 million less than American Idol. Overall, American Idol is a cultural phenomenon that has took American by storm and, as proven by the ratings, has no signs of stopping.